(an edit and reposting of a previous post)
I have a dream! We all have our dreams, this is mine. I dream of living in the kind of nation that is modelled on the United States Constitution. Not a dictatorship, oligarchy, monarchy or even a democracy but a Constitutional republic. Yes, we do have a semblance of that today but I would like to experience the entire thing before I die and I’d love for my nephews and cousins to experience that as well. I dream of the People of America uniting to save their country. I dream of the look on the faces of members of Congress, Nancy Pelosi in particular, when 34 or more state applications are presented and they are forced to call a Convention of States knowing that they have absolutely no say in what happens, knowing that the people have united to take back what is rightfully theirs. But somethings stand in the way of my dream. An oppressive, tyrannical government? Not really a huge problem. What looms very large is the complacency and apathy of the American people. The people are not really to blame, they are victims of generations of brainwashing to keep the America people from doing what we did during WWII, our uniting as a nation and showing our true power which scared the crap out of the Deep State. But to get back to my dream, there is a way to get that dream but it requires people to get active and make an effort to support the Convention of States. It’s the other option for proposing amendments that the Founders put in Article V of the Constitution. It allows for the states to propose amendments (totally bypassing any federal influence) to add to the Constitution, just as Congress has always done, to rein in our out-of-control, tyrannical government. The topics up for debate are term limits, fiscal restraints on the federal government and scope & jurisdiction restraints on the federal government. Stop letting people tell you what to think. Stop letting them divide us. Read Article V of the U.S. Constitution. Decide for yourself! What's yours?