Voting is a Biblical duty!!
Allow me to explain.
The United States of America is part of God’s garden and a big influencer of the rest of God’s garden and Genesis 2:5 and 15 tells us the man was created to tend God’s garden. Since we have not been voting and participating in politics like we should the garden has gotten very weedy. Government has become corrupt and has worked to remove God from all aspects of society. And now the federal government seems to be turning against it’s own people, elevating certain minority groups over the welfare of the majority of the nation’s citizenry.
But, wait! There are other reference to man’s intended involvement in government in the Bible.
There’s the Noahide laws, a rudimentary government, given to Noah after the flood (Genesis 9).
And Exodus 18:21. Kings were something the people wanted, it was not the type of government God preferred. Consent of the governed was what God preferred for His people.
There are passages scattered through the Old Testament, and the New Testament as well. Luke 19:13 comes to mind. The passage in Matthew about rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar’s is not an excuse to not be involved in government, but rather it is a passage about proper jurisdictions. The passage in Romans 13 about submitting to the governing authorities, well in the USA We the People are the governing authorities. We are responsible for the government we elect to represent us (Exodus 18:21)
Thus it is our Biblical duty, whether Jew or Christian to vote, and vote using Biblical principles!