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Want more power?


Updated: Mar 2, 2022

Every state in the union should be clamoring for a Convention of States.

It’s the state legislators way to bypass their governor and bypass the federal government to propose the amendments necessary to restrain the federal government and once again have the powers the states were intended to have. Then we could have true diversity!

Diversity of choice. One state chooses to teach common core math and the like in their schools, another chooses to revert back to the types of teaching taught in the 1700s (that includes the Bible). Then the people get to choose which one they like better, which shows the better results and all, by either voting or moving to the state with the teaching method they prefer. And education is just one example of this choice/diversity thing.

As most are aware, a topic on a committee’s agenda does not automatically mean legislation will be proposed on that topic. And as some are aware, the amending convention, aka. The Convention of States, is nothing more than a big, public state committee.

Both a Convention of States (COS) and a state committee debate the facts and arguments and propose to a larger body for further action. Both are made up of state legislators. In the history of this nation, how many committees have ‘run away’?

This is your chance to bypass those who wish to steal your power and oppress the people, and likely yourself. But remember that with great power comes responsibility.

None of us, the states or the people, can afford to cede our power to the federal government ever again. Look at how quickly things turned when the 17th amendment was ratified and the states lost their power over the senators of this nation.

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