A rope has a certain strength, that rope joined with another rope of similar strength makes for a new, stronger rope.
Our country was founded like that, two strands...religion and government.
For the century when the two strands were braided together our nation was strong and prosperous.
In the 1900s there were forces that began to un-braid the strands and separate the religious from the government. We are seeing the consequences of that action currently.
Government appears to be slightly stronger than religion as government continues to increase its power and reach while religion continues to shrink from society, soon to be practiced by a very few in the basements and dark abandoned buildings they can find away from the prying eyes of government.
But the government strand will NEVER be as strong as the two strands woven together were, and can be again.
Two strands, each has a little strength. Braided together they are quite strong, England found that out during the Revolution and the decades following.
People are like this as well, we work better and are stronger working together with other people.
The wonderfully strong tapestry of life. Let’s put those strands together again.