We finally got the word from the President. Defend your country! Defend your freedom!
What’s the best way to do that? Do we take up arms and fight our way through millions of armed soldiers of every stripe in the hope that some of us can get to the actual source of our problem…the tyrants within our federal government.
Or do we perform a surgical strike and eliminate the problem itself? But how?
We have two options; we can do it legally or illegally.
For the illegal option we’d need about 4000 snipers in D.C. Why 4000? It’s not just the politicians but their staff and the agency bureaucrats, etc., besides over half of the 4000 would be either killed or arrested. Also, it would become more difficult to achieve success with each attempted hit whether successful or not.
For the legal option we would have to amend the Constitution to restrain our tyrannical federal government. There are only two ways to propose amendments.
Since the first, and more dangerous, option is part of the tyranny we’ll have to use the safer but unused option to propose amendments. We’ll need to have an amending convention.
The amending convention, or Convention of States as it’s better known, involves the people and the state legislatures.
We all know most legislators are like wheelbarrows, they only work when they are pushed. We the people need to push (politely, of course) our state legislators to hold a Convention of States and afterwards we need to push them again to ratify the proposals that come from the convention.
To some up. The illegal option is high risk with a low chance of success. The legal route is low risk with a high chance of success. It’s your decision.