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The power of paper and ants


Let’s talk about paper and ants.

Take a piece of paper and try to tear it in half…pretty easy, right. Take those two halves, put them together and try to tear them…a little more resistance but still pretty easy now grab the phone big, most are relatively small.

Open the cover and tear the page, it’s thinner paper so it tears easier. Now tear the whole book in half. I’m guessing most of you can’t. I know I can’t and mine is only about 80 pages.

Why is it so hard to tear a book when one sheet is so easy to rip to shreds? The strength in numbers principle.

This is the same reason we won World War II; we were united. The establishment witnessed this mighty power of a united America and it frightened them so that they’ve spent quite a bit of effort to divide us and keep dividing us ever since.

Have you ever watched ants?

One ant cuts off a small portion of a leaf that it finds and struggles to bring that little piece back to the colony and it takes a long time. It brings back a bunch of friends when it returns to the leaf, they each cut out a small section of leaf.

One struggles to get their section back to the colony but a second one helps carry the load it the little piece of leaf moves along faster and smoother now. And soon the leaf is gone because more and more ants come to help.

Soon they all find something else to cut up and carry back. It’s amazing to watch the power of unification of such a tiny creature.

And yet for being so tiny, when a person inadvertently sits on an ant colony they soon are motivated to move as a million little bites encourage them to do so.

Why can’t we be like the ant? Together we are powerful. Against several million, the few hundred in D.C. would have no chance.

We won WW2 because we were united. Let’s do it again and take back our country and regain our freedom. Let's use the Convention of States!

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