The separation of church and state doctrine is a lie!
It's based on a letter written by a fellow who had nothing to do with the writing of the Constitution or the Federalist papers.
The separation of church and state is based on a letter Thomas Jefferson wrote to the Danbury Baptists in response to their worry that an oppressive government would smother their religion. Mr. Jefferson wrote to them that the first amendment erected a wall separating the state from infringing upon religious expression.
The Progressives of the 1900s took that 'wall of separation' phrase and twisted it to mean that Jefferson was advocating for separating church from state. Which is laughable in a couple of respects.
First they claim one of the Framers of the Constitution had revealed what they intended of religion in government. But Jefferson had nothing to do with writing the U.S. Constitution, he was an ambassador in France at the time.
Second, Jefferson, as President, attended church services in the Capital building.
Once again, we have been lied to by the Left. They twisted a phrase and used it to get God out of government and the schools.
When does it stop? It stops when we make it stop! When We the People seize the narrative and make them dance to our tune.
It ends when We, thru our states, call a Convention of States to restrain the government and restore our constitutional republic. Go here to find out more about the Convention of States and sign the petition to make it happen.