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Religion, Education and Country


Provocative title, eh?

With the local, state and national concerns about the state of education it seems appropriate to discuss the one topic that worked in education for centuries. A topic that those who ‘know’ better than anyone else, federal government ‘experts’, are avoiding with every fiber of their being.

The topic is religion in education. The founders of this nation were so sure of the benefits of religion that they birthed a nation based upon principles from the Bible. They then set about the task of how to educate the younger generations so that they could maintain and grow this nation, and keep this republic as Ben Franklin famously said.

They chose to keep teaching, in public schools, how to love and serve God, then how to love and serve their country and then how to love and serve their family. Benjamin Rush, one of those founders we’ve been taught to forget, said that if we ignore the state of our country, which we have, it will become the great enemy of the family.

Even the Supreme Court agreed on the issue of religion in schools. In 1831, Stephen Girard died and his will stated that a secular school be built in his name for the education of the young.

Daniel Webster argued the case before the Supreme Court in 1844 using Matthew 19:14 as a basis. ‘But Jesus said, “Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

The Court concluded that this nation needs morality to function properly and that the Bible is the best source of morality. Christianity could not be excluded from schools.

In the 1900s, Progressives listened to the minority and the Courts removed God from government and when the government took over the running of schools, they removed God from schools as well.

Now we have all sorts of problems in public schools – 40% or lower proficiency scores in reading, math and science, some schools have literacy rates as low as 6%, 20% or lower in history, civics and the Constitution, higher crime rates, children hating their parents, gender confusion, segregating them into groups under the guise of anti-racism or some other theories, pornographic books with pictures because children can no longer read, and on and on.

Based on the results of the one hundred year study we’ve done on not having religion in education, it seems quite obvious that course of action is to re-institute religion and get morality back into schools and our country. It worked well for centuries let’s get back to that. And perhaps a heavy dose of religion and morality would help government return to what it was meant to be, after all that was set up based on religious principles.

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