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It takes YOU


Updated: May 19, 2020

Lots of people agree that the government is indeed tyrannical and that they are trampling on our freedoms one by one. Or like a little fish does to a big worm on a hook, it just nibbles and keeps nibbling until the hook is cleaned off, or the freedom is gone.

That’s what they’ve done to our morals and privacy, and that is what they are doing to the Bill of Rights.

Let’s take a peek at the second amendment, for instance. The first infringement on the amendment that specifically states that it shall not be infringed happened in 1968 with the firearms background check.

And few other ‘nibbles’: The 1993 Brady bill, the elimination of bump stocks, the high licensing bar to own an automatic weapon or any other type of military grade armaments, background checks to buy ammunition. And the ‘nibbling’ goes on and on.

But there is something we can do about this and lots of folks think the Convention of States is the best way to accomplish that task.

Sadly, there are too many that think it’s going to happen by itself, that they don’t need to get involved. And then they get disillusioned when it doesn’t happen according to how they feel it should go.

Yes, the Convention of States is a good idea, the only viable one in my opinion, to get back our freedoms. But it takes YOU.

You need to push your state legislators to action, you need to inform your friends about this. One person can’t do this nor can a small group of people.

But you, me and millions of other people can get any job done, even this one.

Will you help to get your freedom back?

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