The mighty castles of Europe, the Great Wall of China, the pyramids of the Egyptians, Mayans, Aztecs and other structures all began with one stone.
That is how things got so bad in the United States. It all started with one little usurpation of the checks and balances of the Constitution. Then another and another and then the perverted mess was rejected in 1913 and a façade was kept in place to mollify the people.
That façade continues to this day, but even that is a shadow of its former self. About the only part of the Constitution left unaffected by the growing tyranny within government is Article V.
Oh, they’ve attempted to alter it, even obliterate it from the Constitution, but it remains unaltered to this day.
If you look back through history, before they rewrite it all, you can see that prior to 1913 the constitutional model still worked. Like our flag at times, it was battered at times but it was still functioning.
The model of government we’ve been operating under for the past century is obviously not working.
The time is now to use the second clause of Article V to restore our constitutional republic as the model of operating our government and put in place restraints to prevent future perversions.
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