It is stronger than fear. - It’s been said many times in many ways. - A little hope is effective. A lot is dangerous. (as per the socialist viewpoint)
What does that mean? Let’s use the Covid situation as an example.
We have been corralled by fear of this virus for almost a year now…not all of us but enough to adversely affect the nation.
Congress recently put forward a relief package ( a little hope) to keep us from revolting against the Covid tyranny, the mask mandates and lock downs.
Conversely, revolution against all tyranny gives lots of hope to the People. Armed revolution presents hope overshadowed with fear though. That is, we can have liberty but many people will die to get that.
So it becomes the allure of freedom versus the near certainty of death or bodily harm to oneself.
Although the cause of liberty is certainly worth that risk, there is a better way.
There is still risk of injury with this alternative revolution, but I would rather deal with a paper cut than the loss of a limb. (attempt at humor)
Yes, the Convention of States is the bloodless way of taking down tyranny within our country. The framers of the Constitution were also survivors of seven years of costly war for independence.
For some reason, they didn’t want future generations to have to survive years of death, dismemberment and destruction when it came time for them to deal with tyranny within their own government.
They included in Article V a way for We the People, via our states, to propose amendments to restrain the tyranny and regain control...of our government, our lives and our freedom.
Hope or fear, the choice is yours. As for me, I choose hope.