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Why do humans never take responsibility for anything that goes wrong?

All of Biden’s failed policies are someone else’s fault...Trump, Putin, DeSantos, Republicans in general, the un-vaccinated, etc. The evil within our government is the Democrat’s fault. The indoctrination of our school children is the government’s fault. And on and on…

The fault for all of it is OURS...the sooner we admit that, the sooner we can work towards a solution to those problems we allowed through our own neglect. It would be wonderful if we could just ignore government and live our lives in peace. Well, we see the consequences of that unrealistic notion.

While we’ve all been busy living our lives and acquiring things the evils of this world have grown rampantly. There are out-of-control drug problems, crime is rising fast, morals have decayed to nothing, religion is only allowed to be practiced in churches (when it’s OK with the government), schools indoctrinate children to hate their country and their parents, and the government (both local and federal) have run rampant.

I saw a poster several years back that showed the effects (ulcers and such) of smoking on the outside of one’s body rather than the inside. If we saw the effects of ignoring our government on the outside would it make a difference? Would it matter to anyone if the IRS were to present a bill for $200K to every baby when it was born?

We are at WAR for the very freedom and soul of our nation! When will we stand up and fight? If not for you then for your grandchildren and their grandchildren. Will this be the generation that will be remembered by history as the generation who acquired toys while our country fell to ruins about them?

Or will we go down in history as the second great generation, the ones who restored liberty and made America a great nation under God again?

It’s your choice. As for me, I intend to go out fighting evil. I don’t want Jesus calling me a slothful servant.

I tell you the following not to brag but to show you that one person can make a difference, especially when that one person works together with many other people. I am currently helping two candidates get elected to the school board so that someday soon we can eliminate Marxist ideologies from education. I am also teaching the Constitution to folks and how to be citizen activists. I am also a volunteer with the Convention of States, working to restrain the power of the federal government.

Together We the People are strong. Have you ever seen the ants swarming? Each of us is like one ant, separately we are rather insignificant. United we are powerful, the most powerful force on the planet. Every living creature flees from a swarming army of ants.

We can be that swarm!

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